My heart will go on.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Fongy Fongy Fongy.

What a lame title but Fongy is forever such a nice nickname for him. Ivy is much more mean, she calls him Kentucky! LOL.

Raiding Fongy's house which is at Orchard tomorrow. I heard it was a landed property and the worse thing I've heard about is that there's no BBQ pit, no swimming pool, no tennis court and so on. But wait, there's a table tennis table. How stupid, why don't he live in a HDB flat instead. lol. Spoil our plan of having a Bbq tomorrow and we have to change our plan to call for Pizza Hut delivery instead. Big time gambling tomorrow! Shit, we're back to the square one again.

I like steamboats and barbie-kills. Yuki&Yaki someday this holiday.

& a big SORRY to Kai Ling! Didn't mean to give you a swollen hand ):
kill me, I actually made you cry.

Mother's day cake.
I know it's a very long time ago thing.
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too

Blogged @ 10:42:00 PM

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Chapter 305: The Very Random.

Bad sleep! Only managed to feel tired at around 4am and I kept waking up at about 1 or 2 hour intervals. I thought I could get a good sleep since I'm skipping school today.

‘Cause my sun doesn’t shine, sun doesn’t shine
Without you

Blogged @ 12:03:00 PM

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The great Singapore sale.

I thought Town would be packed with hell lots of people today since it's a Sunday and the great singapore sale was going on. But hey, I was wrong. The whole mrt trip to town was packed with people and when the train arrived at Outram Park, approximately 85% of them alighted.
Conclusion? They all went to Vivocity. It must have been hell packed.

Reached Heeren first and the atmosphere was really weird. I guess that at every level, there were only 5 or less shoppers. Amazing?We wished that the apparels could catch our eye, but none did.

We wondered aimlessly for a few hours before settling down at Crystal Jade Kitchen for lunch.
The egg tarts were fantastic I tell you. Why? Because there were only 3 very small pieces and you pay $2.80 for them.
Nah, I was kidding. They were really nice and worth the price :)
After lunch, it was more shopping @ Fareast. Rings, belt, top, bags, necklaces.
Spent over a hundred today, how sinful.
Lessons from 8am - 12.30pm tomorrow. Nvm, Tuesday will be a better day since lessons only start at 10.30am! :)

Blogged @ 11:24:00 PM

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.

Sad to say, I only love the last 1 hour of the movie and the first 2 hours make me sleep.

I can't believe that I felt that Spiderman 3 was much better than this, so much better ..

Blogged @ 9:41:00 PM

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Do you feel like a man, when you push her around.
Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground.

Blogged @ 11:15:00 PM

Sunday, March 25, 2007

23/3 Thank God It's Friday.

Chionged cab down to Jurong East to watch Haunted School because I was super late. Ended up that I'm the first to reach! They cabbed down too. If I know I would have went to pick them up to go together because it was peak hour and that means the 3 of us paid 16+ bucks just to go to Jurong East. This amount of money can bring us to town already, lol.

The front part of the movie already scared me and kp off.
The storyline was good but the ending ended up with a twist and this equals to no ending la -__-
I thought the girl & guy who were still alive would be together but it ended up that the girl was possessed by the female ghost.

Maybe there will be haunted school2? :)

Caught Mr Bean's holiday just now at Jurong East after rushing to Jurong Point. The queue at Jp was so so so long and by the time I get the tickets, I would have already miss a whole lot of the movie. Going to Je to watch the movie isn't any much better. I sat at the front row and at the side. Neck got so sour after the movie. I rate it 4.5 stars :)

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is showing in the cinemas in like 2 months' time. 24th of May!

Blogged @ 1:20:00 AM

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Chapter 300: The Drastic Change in You.

I'm dreading the arrival of the weekends, quite alot. My weekends used to be a very relaxing one, days to rest after the hectic week. As time passes by, everything changes. We are constantly growing up, much less our thinkings. My weekends are now filled with quarrels. I can't help but think that the worst has yet to come. Although we can try to tolerate and pretend, it doesn't help in any way. In the end when everything goes out of control, everybody gets hurt. I seriously don't like my dramatic weekend― smashing of cake, crying.

It was supposed to be your birthday celebration in advance, a happy one. She got out late at night just to get a cake for you. Were you appreciative? No, not even a thank you to be specific. You even hurt her with your words and made her cry. You never tend to be appreciative of whatever she does for you. Do you know how much I wish for this kind of concern, this kind of love and care? Whenever they get worried for me, I felt sorry but contented because I know they care for me and not everybody have such concerned parents and a happy family. Do you? You think everybody is as lucky as you to have a mother to prepare every single thing for them and even make ginseng tea every week? People around you might not know what you're going through now and how much you dreading it, but it pains to even see.

I really hope things are going to change for the better.

Blogged @ 11:56:00 PM

♥ Profile

Debby Neo Yi Wei,
8th August.

The Song
